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Forensic Accounting


Smartt Accounting is an independent boutique accounting and consulting firm that services the needs of the legal profession. We understand the legal process and can respond to the needs of lawyers and their clients with timely, useful advice.


Our firm offers a full range of accounting services to support family law and civil litigation. These services include:


  • Calculating cash flow available for child and spousal support.

  • Analyze and report on funds, assets, property holdings, and tracing accounts.

  • Evaluate property and reimbursement claims (pre/during/post marriage).

  • Pinpoint community and separate ownership and calculate appropriate property division.

  • Prepare community property balance sheets.

  • Generate court forms and documents including Schedule of Asset and Debt, and Income and Expense Declarations.

  • Advised courts of services and expenses.


We also can provide a Comprehensive Financial Analysis to analyze living expenses/lifestyle, document property and assets, and locate funds. Supported counsel in researching, obtaining and compiling information from variety of sources. The Comprehensive Financial Analysis include:


  • Cash Flow Available for Support

  • Community Property Balance Sheet

  • Tracing Analysis

  • Lifestyle Analysis

Accounting & Bookkeeping


Ultimately, our goal is to provide services that simplify both your business’ finances and your personal life, so you can concentrate on more important matters – like running your business.


Special areas of the firm’s expertise include:


ACCOUNTING SERVICES: Our philosophy is that a business cannot manage what it does not measure. We work with you to develop financial measurement systems to help you manage your business.


QUICKBOOKS: As a QuickBooks Professional Advisor, we offer a variety of services, including setting up, training, and consulting in the use of QuickBooks business management software.


BOOKKEEPING/WRITE-UP: Meaningful, well-organized financial records help ensure efficient daily operations and constitute the foundation of a successful business. Our qualified staff can assist you with all your day-to-day accounting needs.


REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF INTERNAL ACCOUNTING CONTROLS: Strong internal controls are essential to protecting your business’ assets. We can assess what controls you already have in place and make experienced recommendations to safeguard your business against embezzlement and fraud.

Business Management


Servicing all the accounting needs of companies by maintaining the accounting records, paying bills, preparing annual and quarterly payroll reports quarterly and preparing quarterly sales tax reports. We generate financial statements, and the annual closing of the books. We also coordinate and implement quarterly and fiscal budgets.


Business management services include:


  • Accounts Payable

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Cash Management

  • Payroll

  • Tax Planning, Projection and Preparation

Tax Preparation


Preparing your own income-tax return can leave you with more questions than answers. Today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing even a relatively simple return can be confusing, frustrating and time-consuming. What’s worse is that filing your own return can be costly because it is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled.


According to the US Government’s General Accounting Office, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million) believe they have benefited from employing a professional tax preparer. While computer software programs can help, there is ultimately no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.

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